

Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Jeff DeMoss

Jeff DeMoss has been a proud Rat since 2018. He came to Huron from the IB school, International Academy West, where he taught for 8 years. He is a graduate of Albion College where he studied History and Political Science. At Albion, he was a member of their men's soccer team and now he roots for Manchester City and the US National soccer teams. He received his Masters in European History from Oakland University in 2015. For his masters thesis he studied German film from the 1920's and conducted archival research in Berlin and Hollywood. If he could travel through space and time he would take in the Berlin nightlife in 1926. If he could have any superpower it would be the ability to communicate perfectly in any language. In his free time he loves to play soccer, read historical fiction, cook Asian cuisine and spend time with his wife and two kids.